Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Update from Karen's Studio 125: More students, more fun, more creativity! Earlier this year I started teaching students from The Recovery Center at 2 p.m. on Wednesdays at my studio. I think at least 25 people have come and gone - some staying and growing. Others, other obligations and choices take them elsewhere. We're going to be starting the third session of 10 weeks next Wednesday.

It was a "big leap" for me to reach out and take a risk of expanding my teaching to more students. I had been accepting the fact that I had some "regulars" for years, some paying in cash others helping out with shows by bringing food, helping out, etc. - something of a "trade out". So now, I'm realizing some help with the rent, making it easier for me to accept that the "out-go" is more than "in-come".

Other people are coming into the studio just for company and companionship, others for some instruction and encouragement. Gradually, gradually I will finally have enough people to make it a "break-even" enterprise. I only charge $5.00 an hour "pay as you go", a bargain - designed to keep people coming into do their art for months and even years. It all "adds up".

Willie Evans of Framecare Studios comes in every other week to pick up art work to frame. He does an incredible job and is quite talented. He has a "traveling frame shop". He brings in his mats and frames. We show him what we want framed and he makes suggestions. We work together looking at all the various options - choices of double mats, acid-free mats, clear glass, interesting frames. Sometimes I just give him something I need to have framed and have him "choose". His choices are excellent and it saves me "all that decision-making"!

We've had two big Art Walks at Essex Studios (that's where my studio is located) with many other artists in the same building. Not only artists, but businesses, as well. The American Sign Museum was in Essex Studios for several years, but now has grown so large that it now has a new home! That location is now a church for "creative people". The Art Walks (Open House Events) are usually the first weekends - Fri., Sat. in Oct., Dec., Feb., and April. Many "outside artists" participate by "setting up shop" in the hallways. I like buying wonderful jewelry - inexpensive, nice. And, I love the food trucks that offer special food out in the parking lot. Being part of Essex Studios makes the whole "art experience" exciting and fun.

I list my classes on my group "Art, Music, Theater Meetup". Listing there helps me get more students and let my Meetup people know "What's Happening". Will update again, soon. Keep creating!

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