Thursday, August 26, 2010

Studio Pictures

These paintings are currently on display at Karen's Studio in the Essex Studios Complex, 2515 Essex Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206. I am usually in my studio on Wed. evenings 5 to 7 p.m. Contact me @ 513-600-8063 if you want to stop by on Wed. evening or come to our next Art Walk on Oct. 1st & 2nd, 6 to 10 in my studio, other galleries will be open until 11 p.m.

Ground Zero
Red Nun
Cosmic Swirl
Green Grotto
Message of The Birds

Vive La France

Dutch Girl

Circus Lady

Bouncy City (Cincinnati before Pete Rose Way)




Red Bear

*NOTE: I couldn't figure out how to remove the duplicates! Oh my!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Paintings, still more paintings.

Irish Dance
Icy Winter

This painting is gesso and India ink on masonite. 1970
I sold a similar one which was on display at Highland Towers.
Several of these black and white paintings are in my garage.

Bright Winter (sold)


Monday, August 23, 2010

Adding More Pictures of My Paintings

I do not know how many drawings or paintings I have completed in my lifetime - several hundred, I suppose. Many of my paintings are "out there - somewhere - in the Universe". There are times I would like to know where some of them "walked off" (another blog idea to share). My style is "No Style". Deciding what I want to paint depends "upon my mood" - self-indulgent, maybe, but it's how I approach art. It's one place where I find freedom - freedom "to just be".

I believe many of my paintings are classified as "Abstract Expressionism". These paintings are usually 16" x 20", acrylic or gesso and India ink. I work quickly and let the materials and a deeper place in my mind "take over". Sometimes the painting evolves into a "theme" or "idea" midway in the process. I often take heed of the "suggestion" of a theme or repeated pattern. I like selling these abstracts unframed for "hardly anything" - usually $20 to people who visit my studio during an art walk.

Birds of a Feather
Monk Caves
"Paris Street" is in my own personal collection and isn't for sale. I painted it "back in the 70's" using a Chinese brush with black ink for the lines and acrylic watercolors for the color. I like to paint "childlike" buildings.

Paris Street

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Music Hall

It's been "way too hot" in the studio to do much work. I still haven't purchased a new air conditioner - waiting for a sale!

This Wednesday's class included Candice, Susan, Lynn, Joanne and myself. It was wonderful to have Candice back with us again! We're all painting and working on our own paintings and drawings.

MUSIC HALL by Karen Kelly
I'm happy with my latest work of Music Hall. I may do a few "touch-ups" next week, but I wanted to share it now. It is watercolor gouache with Sharpie black pen lines. I drew it first with a 3-H pencil using my T-Square and triangle. I drew it in one-point perspective. I had an old Christmas card and a Google image of Music Hall.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What was I thinking when I painted this?

As an artist, I have given myself the "freedom to choose". I often let the medium guide me. I never wanted to be defined by a specific style. I give into my "mood" and I suppose "muse" might be sending "Serendipity Signals" to do "this or that".  And so it goes . . .

"Virtual Paintout" is a site on Facebook that offers artists the opportunity to paint a scene each month. I enjoyed using the 360 degree perspective, hence the "rounded" street. This is a painting done on illustration board, 20" x 30", using marking pens, acrylic watercolors and gouache watercolor. Doing this painting helped me to become focused and disciplined again. I use a T-Square and triangle, too. This panting is on display at Karen's Studio #125, Essex Studios, 2515 Essex Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206.

Gateway Quarter
This picture is from a wonderful photograph on a real estate section of the Cincinnati Enquirer a few years ago. I liked the "two point" perspective. It is on illustration board 20" x 30" Again, I used black Sharpie pens for the lines, drawing the lines first in pencil using a T-Square and triangle. Then I "filled in" the buildings, streets and sky with watercolor gouache and acrylic watercolors. Using these paints, there is a "strong possibility" that they will last a very long time and not fade. Gateway Quarter is in OTR (Over the Rhine) in Cincinnati. I am hoping that I live to see OTR restored to it's former glory! This painting is on display at
The Symphony Hotel at 14th & Elm Streets.

Findlay Market
Using a "Google" map, I pulled up this view of Findlay Market facing East from Elm Street. I liked the one point perspective and the empty marketplace. This painting is on watercolor paper, 20" x 30". I used my T-Square and triangle, sketched it in with pencil, then used a black Sharpie pen, and then added paint - watercolors (gouache and acrylic). I have a Findlay Market bumper sticker on my car. For several years, I went to Findlay Market on Saturday mornings. And, my students and I had two Christmas shows in the Findlay Market Gallery. When we hung our shows, Findlay Market was deserted and was bathed in a "low glow" of light.  This painting is on display at Karen's Studio #125, Essex Studios, 2515 Essex Place,
Cincinati, Ohio 45206. The framing was done by Starry Night Studio & Gallery in Loveland, Ohio.

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Again

Here it is August again! I've been "on vacation" for several months here at home. I'm enjoying leisurely mornings, having a cup of Sportea and a bowl of blueberries followed by a soft boiled egg and some toast for Knee-Hi and myself. It's our "ceremony" to start the day.

The perennials have followed their "cycle of life" and have given me much joy as they grow and bloom and then "store up" for another season. The butterfly bushes and cone flowers attract beautiful butterflies. As I was swimming yesterday, a small hummingbird fluttered in midair as I looked up to see the Japanese Anenome between the evergreens which edge the pool. (Hello Eric).

Along the back wall of the house some Chrysanthemums are bursting with yellow blossoms. One was a plant given to Mama by her good friend, Pat Scherer. Pots of herbs also line the wall and are doing well this year - Thai basil, chives, thyme, mint, sage, rosemary and lemon balm. Another big pot of lavender is thriving, too. I have some large begonias which I got from Breck's catalog. They are interesting, but I think they need more shade!

For social fun, I continue organizing my groups - two for dining - Cincinnati Brunch Club and Tea Toads. The Art, Music, Theater group offers the opportunity to see some new plays, attend music events and share updates about art classes at Karen's Studio.

My "other computer" was on the "fritz" and I haven't been posting or sharing with family and friends for several months. I couldn't figure out how to move my "groups" over to this new computer. So, now, I hope to be here more often and share, too.

Here comes Knee-Hi with her "jingle" bells. It's getting near "supper time"! What will it be tonight? Something special? I suppose. She likes fresh vegetables, too.
