Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Another Abstract 2016

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016. Brrrr! Another sunny frigid day. And, snow is "predicted" for tomorrow. I won't let that stop me from going into the studio. Why? Because! Because I have received a special birthday gift from my son - snow tires - purchased and installed by my son, Marshall Harwood Garrison. Many thanks!

I'm adding to this blog as part of my "Writing Accountability Group" (a Meetup group) challenge for January. I will be reviewing and uploading more pictures of my art work. Hopefully this will be another "nudge" for me to be "proactive" - to be a "doer" for 2016.

Abstract - Ink & Watercolor 

How did I do this? I'll leave it to you to figure out how the black shapes are created/applies. The rest of the painting is done with a brush - using acrylic paints - watered down enough to work as a watercolor painting. I like acrylic paints for "long life". I've lost many paintings to sunlight (painted more than 80 pieces for West Indies Coco Point Lodge). The ones that survived were done with acrylics.

I may have prints made of this work. I like it a lot.